Tag: Prekese
Spiritual Benefits of Prekese You Didn’t Know
We bring you the spiritual benefits of prekese. Welcome to Ghana Insider. Does prekese has some spiritual benefits? Well this article seems to give you the complete spiritual benefits of prekese in Ghana. Prekese also known as aridan comes with many benefits and not all of them have been greatly utilized. A lot of Ghanaians…
Spices in Ghana, their Local Names and Uses
Do you want to know he local name of spices such as turmeric in Twi? If your answer is yes, read on. CLICK HERE to buy the SPICES EBOOK FOR JUST GHS 10. WhatsApp Us Now. Locally prepared dishes in Ghana and Africa are really delicious as they come with a very sweet aroma due…
Uses of Prekese & Its Health Benefits.
This post contains: Uses and Health benefits of prekese (Tetrapleura tetraplera) Spiritual benefits of prekese (in the Bible) how to prepare prekese tea is prekese good for pregnant women? and a lot more. If you live in our part of the world where herbal medicine is something which is more or less like customs, you…