Lucky Herbal Bitters

Lucky Herbal Bitters Price In Ghana, Uses, Side Effects, And More

Lucky Herbal Bitters is an FDA approved medication that has been used by many people to treat and cure many health related diseases. You are going to find out more information about Lucky Herbal Bitters, and Lucky Herbal Mixture in this post, including the price, uses, dosage, side effects, where to buy one, among others.

Lucky Herbal Bitters
Lucky Herbal Bitters

Description: About Lucky Herbal Bitters & Lucky Herbal Mixture

Lucky Herbal Mixture

Lucky Herbal Bitters is a herbal medicine produced by Lucky Herbal Enterprise LTD, Ghana. It comes in the form of liquid and it has ingredients such as Khaya senegalensis, Abrus precatorius, Discoglypremna caloneura and, Ficus capensis.

Also, Lucky Herbal Mixture which is packaged in a 330 mL bottle, has ingredients such as Adenia cissampeloides, Enantia polycarpa, Plumbago capensis, tetrapleura tetraptera, and moringer oleifera.

Khaya senegalensis: Also known as African mahogany – Khaya senegalensis is associated with many health benefits such anti-inflammatory properties, antimicrobial activity, antiparasitic effects, antioxidant potential, and also, it is used for the treatment of ailments such as gastrointestinal disorders, fever, malaria, and skin conditions.

Abrus precatorius: Also called Rosary pea. A health journal published by Bangladesh Society for Microbiology, Immunology, And Advanced Biotechnology, revealed that purified Abrus precatorius can serve as laxative, expectorant and aphrodisiac.

Discoglypremna caloneura: This can be used as an expectorant in treating bronchial troubles.

Ficus capensis: This medicinal plant can serve as fertility agent, especially in men and also, it is widely used for the treatment of dysentry, ricket, leukoderma, oedema, epilepsy, respiratory disorders, gonorrhoea, wounds, etc.

Adenia cissampeloides: As a medicinal plant, it can be used to treat hypertension, nervous disorder, stress, cough, gonorrhea, oedema, rheumatism, pain, fever, and malaria.

Enantia polycarpa: The bark of this medicinal plant can be used to treat conditions such as malaria, fever, pyrexia, injuries, stomach ulcer, bacterial infections, etc.

Plumbago capensis: It is usually known as a digestive herb. It enhances digestion, treats indigestion, piles, constipation, respiratory issues, and enhances memory.

Tetrapleura tetraptera: Conditions that the fruit of Tetrapleura tetraptera can treat or control include arthritis, asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, schistosomiasis, hypertension, etc.

Moringer oleifera: This popular medicinal plant helps to combat oxidative stress and minimises inflammation in the body, regulates blood sugar levels, manages or reduces cholesterol, enhances healthy digestion and prevents constipation, fights several bacteria and fungi.

Indications: Uses Of Lucky Herbal Bitters & Lucky Herbal Mixture

Lucky Herbal Mixture comes with some promising benefits such as alleviation of malaria, boosting of immune system, enhancement of blood circulation, etc. One can use Lucky Herbal Mixture to get rid of the frequent threats of fever, chills, and weakness. Lucky Herbal Mixture helps to prevent fatigue. Then also, Lucky Herbal Bitters is mainly used to treat hemorrhoid or piles.

Dosage: How To Use Lucky Herbal Bitters

Lucky Herbal Bitters & Lucky Herbal Mixture must not be taken by lactating mothers and children below the age of 12 years.

For adults, take 20ml three times daily before and after meals. For children having ages of 12 years and above, they must take this medication 10ml three times daily before and after meals.

Side Effects Of Lucky Herbal Bitters & Lucky Herbal Mixture

There is no side effect that has been identified regarding this medication. Immediately contact your doctor should incase you experience any side effect after taking this medication.

Price Of Lucky Herbal Bitters & Lucky Herbal Mixture In Ghana

The price of Lucky Herbal Bitters in Ghana as of 2024 ranges from GHS 30.00 to GHS 54.99. Also, the price of Lucky Herbal Mixture in Ghana as of 2024 starts from GHS 20.00 to GHS 25.00. Prices may vary slightly from one pharmacy shop to the other.

Where To Buy Lucky Herbal Bitters & Mixture

You can buy Lucky Herbal Mixture and Lucky Herbal Bitters from Lucky Herbal Clinic or Lucky Herbal Enterprise LTD at the best affordable price, GHS 20.00, however you can equally find Lucky Herbal Mixture and Lucky Herbal Bitters at many pharmacies across the country.ย 






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