
Is Francisco Medina married?

Who Is Francisco Medina?

Born on January 30, 1977, in Rostock, Gеrman Dеmocratic Rеpublic, Francisco Mеdina is a vеrsatilе figurе in thе world of еntеrtainmеnt. Rеnownеd as an actor and assistant dirеctor, hе has lеft an indеliblе mark with notablе rolеs in acclaimеd productions. Notably, his pеrformancеs in “Bеrlin, Bеrlin” (2002), “Allеs was zählt” (2006), and “Camalеón” (2016) have showcasеd his talеnt and madе him a rеcognizablе namе in thе industry.

Francisco Medina Early Life and Education

Growing up in East Berlin and Santiago de Chile, Francisco Medina comes from a theatrical family: his father, Carlos Medina, was a director at the Berliner Ensemble and Deutsches Theater Berlin for many years, and his mother, Teresa Polle, is an actress. His parents are political emigrants from the Chilean Pinochet dictatorship.

Even as a child he was on the stage of the Berliner Ensemble and was the protagonist of various films on GDR television. After graduating from high school in 1997, he worked as an actor in England, Italy, Poland, and Chile and gained extensive experience in experimental dance and street theater.

From 2000 to 2004 he completed acting training at the State University for Music and Theater in Rostock. Whereupon he played many leading roles from Schiller’s classic spoken theatre, Goethe and Shakespeare played on German stages, such as at the Rostock Volkstheater, the Münster Municipal Theater, and most recently at the Bad Hersfeld Festival.

Since 2005, Medina has also been directing herself, including productions at the Munster Municipal TheaterThe Little Prince and Antigone

Francisco Medina Career

At the beginning of his television career, Francisco Medina only occasionally played in supporting roles in series. He took on his first role in 1998 in “Wolffs Revier”. In 2001 he was in “Das Traumschiff” as cook Juan.

The trip then went to Mexico. This was followed by small roles in “Berlin, Berlin” as a hot-blooded lover and in “Die Rosenheim-Cops” in 2002. After that, it was quiet on television around Francisco Medina.

After a four-year hiatus from the camera, Medina made her television debut in 2006’s Angie. The German-Chilean actor took on his best-known television role in 2007. Since then he has appeared on RTL in the series “Everything that counts”.

Since episode 280 he has played the role of Maximilian von Altenburg (formerly Maximilian Santiago de Castillo), managing director of “Steinkamp Sport & Wellness”. He is currently married on the series to Isabelle, a figure skater played by Ania Niedieck.

Again there was a camera break before Medina could be seen in his first film in 2012. He played the role of Santiago in the crime comedy “Der Ballermann – Ein Bulle auf Mallorca”. The film is about a drug detective, played by Tom Hammer, whose friend is shot.

He investigates on his own in the high society of Mallorca. Almost three million viewers saw the film in 2012 when it was first broadcast on RTL.

Is Francisco Medina married?

Francisco Medina is not yet married but according to the German news outlet, he used to be in a relationship with Caroline Beil. We can’t state for sure if they are still together. We will keep digging to get more about his current relationship status.






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