core values ghana health service

Core Values of the Ghana Health Service.

Ghana Insider brings you the core values of the Ghana Health Service.

Ghana Health Service is an organization which was founded in 1996 and is in charge of the execution of policies in the country under the supervision of the ministry of health through the Ghana Service Council. The Director-General of the Health service is Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye.

The roles of the organization is to offer thorough health assistance and solutions at all levels in Ghana directly and by contracting  other firms in Ghana,  advance ways of living healthy and ensuring good health habits by people in this country, among other functions.

The Ghana Health Service has objectives it works with and they are to:

  • Implement approved national policies for health delivery in Ghana.
  • Increase access to good quality health services.
  • Manage prudently resources available for the provision of the health services.

The GHS has core values that guides its effective running. This article is aimed at discussing these core values one by one. They are expressed below:

  1. Dedication

Dedication is the act of being committed to a cause or a person. The Ghana Health Service holds the standard of being committed to assisting clients in the best ways possible within their scope. The organization makes sure that this is accomplished by  supervision from higher authorities in the health system. For example a nurse in charge of a ward making sure student nurses are putting in the required efforts to provide assistance and solutions to client health needs.


  1. Excellence

 Excellence is the state of being outstanding and exceptional in whatever you do. The Ghana health service seeks to offer outstanding services to its clients and aims at instilling such standards in members of its body. Health workers are trained to go by laid down rules governing the health body when executing their roles in order to give clients the best treatment they deserve.


  1. Teamwork

This refers to a group of people coming together with their efforts and other resources to achieve a common goal. The Ghana Health Service believes in its members working together in unity and assisting each other where necessary to achieve the goal of letting clients reach an optimum state of health and wellbeing.


  1. Professionalism

Professionalism can be described as conduct that is consistent with a particular profession’s rules and requirements. Every profession suggests certain ways of appropriate behavior for individuals who are in it. The Ghana Health Services seeks to inculcate such values in members of the health system in other to ensure progress and smooth running of the organization as a whole.


  1. Integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest. This I know is a standard for many organizations. In the health sector, it is important to deal ttruthfully with clients and relatives . This will help them better understand what to expect. An example is in the case of a nurse or doctor making the client aware of the prognosis of his or her condition. There are other situations that makes the essence of honesty stand out. Honesty will make health workers and the entire health system gain and maintain the trust of its clients.


  1. Care and Compassion

The Ghana Health Service carries the mandate of showing concern and giving its clients the attention due them in order to maintain and restore health. Health workers are supposed to understand issues clients are going through and be ready to help them once the solution is within the scope of practice. Health workers are trained to show an attitude of concern and willingness to help the client.





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