Yara Gambirasio’s Parents: Full Details

Yara Gambirasio was a 13-year-old Italian girl. Based on reports available, Yara Gambirasio was killed in the evening of November 26, 2010.

It was reported that Yara Gambirasio left the Brembate di Sopra, Italy sports center at about 6:44 PM on November 26, 2010, but never reached home.

Her home was just 700 meters away. The  Carabinieri was called by the family of Yara Gambirasiowho commenced a search for the girl. All efforts in finding Yara Gambirasio proved fruitless until February 26, 2011, in Chignolo d’Isola, 10 kilometers from Brembate di Sopra.

When the body of Yara Gambirasio was found, it had multiple superficial cuts and a large wound on the head.

Even though reports from a final autopsy report had not been released, it was leaked that the death of Yara Gambirasio could be attributed to a head blow, six cut wounds and hypothermia.

There was nothing to confirm if Yara Gambirasio was raped or not. Even though a Moroccan man was initially arrested on the basis that he was a suspect, he was subsequently released.

Due to the fact that a trace of genetic material was taken from the victim’s underwear and leggings, about 22,000 DNA profiles were analyzed and compared by forensic scientists.

A search was then mounted for one “Ignoto 1” and in the process, on June 16, 2014, Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti, was arrested and accused of being the murderer, mainly by virtue of his DNA matching “Ignoto 1″‘s.

Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti claimed that he was innocent and that the DNA proof was fabricated. Regardless, the Corte d’Assise of Bergamo on July 1, 2016, sentenced Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti, to life imprisonment.

His sentence was further confirmed on October 12, 2018, by the court of Cassation.

Yara Gambirasio Parents

The father of Yara Gambirasio is Fulvio. He is said to always gaze at the resting place of his parents and his daughter.

The mother of Maura Gambirasio and she has her hair cut and looks gaunt. Yara Gambirasio was buried between her two grandparents in a cemetery just across the road from her gym.







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