waakye leaves

Waakye Leaves Health Benefits

Waakye leaves comes with some health benefits not everyone is aware of. This leaf is used to prepare one of Ghana’s cuisines known as waakye.

Waakye is nutritious provided the best recipe is used. It is enjoyed by almost all the tribes in Ghana. It is often taken in the morning as breakfast.

Waakye is mostly coupled with tomato stew/sauce and shito alongside gari, sliced cabbage and onions and meat. Although commonly used for waakye recipe, it can also be considered as a medicinal plant due to its numerous health benefits.

How to Prepare Waakye

In this article, Ghana Insider brings you the health benefits of waakye leaves and any other important information you need to know.


Waakye leaves also known as sorghum leaves have been classified into groups namely:

  • Guinea
  • Bicolor

The guinea type is most predominant in West Africa.

delicious waakye
delicious waakye

Health benefits of waakye leaves

Below are the medical benefits of sorghum bicolor also known as waakye leaves.

  • The leaf contains antioxidants which provides protection against diseases caused by oxidation stress such as cancer, diabetes, amongst others.
  • Antioxidants also prevents cell damage
  • It is used in the treatment of abdominal pain, epilepsy
  • It is also a blood enhancing concoction
  • Used in the treatment of anaemia due to its high iron constituent
  • It contains calcium which is good for bone health
  • Waakye leaves have anti-inflammatory properties.


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Does waakye leaves gives blood?” answer-0=” It contains nutrients that boost the production of blood. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What is the English name for waakye leaves?” answer-1=” Sorghum bicolor” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]






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