One of the most prominent aquaculture practices in the world now, is fish farming. It should not surprise you that, fish farming is one of the most lucrative agribusinesses out there.
If you are serious about fish farming business and would like to start one, we encourage you to buy our PROFESSIONAL FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN FOR JUST GHC 150.
Our business plan has all the details you need to get started.
In other instances, you can also refer fish farming as pisciculture. Aquaculture is a very familiar term to you; I guess. By the way, to remind ourselves, “aquaculture is basically the rearing of aquatic animals or cultivating aquatic plants for food”.
Well, as you can probably figure out by yourself, the core subject to be discussed here will be “Fish Farming”. Therefore, if you want to know more about what fish farming is, the types of fish farming in Ghana, the benefits of fish farming, etc, then all you have to do is to keep on reading to discover more.
If you are serious about fish farming business and would like to start one, we encourage you to buy our PROFESSIONAL FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN FOR JUST GHC 150.
Our business plan has all the details you need to get started.
What Is Fish Farming?
Fish Farming, also known as pisciculture, is a commercial activity that involves the breeding of fish, purposely for food using fish tanks or other artificial enclosures (for instance, fish ponds).
Some of the most widely bred fishes are: tilapias, salmons, carps, sturgeons and catfishes.
The Types Of Fish Farming
With respect to how fishes are been raised, there are three major types of fish farming: intensive, semi-intensive and extensive.
Intensive Fish Farming
With this type of fish farming, the living and production conditions of fishes are totally under the control of the fish farmer. Therefore, some factors such as: feed, quality of stocked fingerlings, quality of water and etc, are completely under the control of the fish farmer.
In essence, the farmer monitors the production cycle of fishes throughout.
Another peculiar characteristic feature of an intensive fish farm is that, fish density is extremely great. Meaning, the quantity of fishes produced per unit of rearing area is high.
Semi-Intensive Fish Farming
In semi-intensive farms, the living and production conditions of fishes are partly under the control of the fish farmer. In this case, part of the food that the fishes feed on comes from the farmer and also, part comes from the environment.
Similar to intensive fish farm, the circulation of water is been controlled by the farmer and this aids in raising high density of fishes than in extensive systems.
If you are serious about fish farming business and would like to start one, we encourage you to buy our PROFESSIONAL FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN FOR JUST GHC 150.
Our business plan has all the details you need to get started.
Extensive Fish Farming
The extensive fish farming can be undertaken in water bodies or medium- to large-sized ponds.
Unlike the intensive system where the production conditions of fishes are been controlled, in extensive farming, only the environment where the fishes are kept is controlled by the fish farmer.
In this case, fishes are not fed by the farmer but, they obtain food from their environment instead.
One obvious thing about extensive farming is that, fishes are kept in such a way that, they cannot escape from their habitat.
Benefits Of Fish Farming
There are numerous benefits of fish farming which are applicable to both the farmer and the consumer.
Fish farming is a very profitable avenue where farmers earn a huge sum of incomes. Also, fingerlings grow at a faster rate depending on their feed.
If you are serious about fish farming business and would like to start one, we encourage you to buy our PROFESSIONAL FISH FARMING BUSINESS PLAN FOR JUST GHC 150.
Our business plan has all the details you need to get started.
Most people prefer fish as their main source of protein because of its numerous health benefits. Perhaps, fish cost less.
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