plantain leaves

Spiritual Uses of Plantain Leaves

Ghana Insider brings you the spiritual benefits of plantain leaves. Plantain, known to be a staple in Ghana is rich in carbohydrates and can be used in several food recipes.

Plantain can be used to prepare fufu, plantain chips, roasted plantain, amongst others.

Aside these physical benefits, does plantain leaves have some spiritual benefits?

Yes, we are going to give you all the spiritual uses of plantain leaves you probably had no idea about.

Only a few people actually know that there are some hidden great spiritual benefits plantain leaves have to offer.

This article will unveil all of that to you. Let’s get started.

The use of plantain leaves for spiritual purposes can be done in several ways. See some of these ways below.

plantain leaves

Spiritual uses of plantain leaves

  • Plantain leaves are used to find the cause of unexplained death
  • The yellowish plantain leaves combined with prekese is used to prevent bad dreams
  • It is used to drive away evil spirits
  • It is used to find the source of retrogression in business.
  • It helps to clot blood
  • It is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcer

The above spiritual uses are just the discovered ones. There are more that have not been yet discovered by many.

Harness the spiritual benefits of plantain leaves and enjoy a fulfilling life. Leave a comment below and share this to you circles.

Thanks for passing by.

NB: This article is solely the opinion of the writer. Ghana Insider will not be responsible for any damage caused by the write up. Thank you.





9 responses to “Spiritual Uses of Plantain Leaves”

  1. Matthias Avatar

    I am grateful

  2. Patrick Avatar

    Please thank you for this teachings please how is it done to be effective
    I’m in patience waiting of directions

    1. bismark kwesi Avatar
      bismark kwesi

      Please the number 1&2 how do we applied it

    2. Henry Avatar

      Please how can use it on the number three please?

  3. Eric Amegadzie Avatar
    Eric Amegadzie

    Please, share with me the methods of using plantain leaves as stipulated above.

  4. Godwin Ebong Avatar
    Godwin Ebong

    Thanks for the knowledge of spiritual benefits of Plantain leaves. But you would really help us, if you also tell us how to use it. You shouldn’t recommend drugs to the patient without the prescription. I’m waiting for your reply Sir. Thank you.

    1. Samuel Adu Avatar

      Pls what i Will say is that,u people are doing well paa but pls can u tell us how to do or use it??
      THANK YOU.

  5. George Avatar

    How use it

  6. JOSEPH Avatar

    How to use plantain leaves and prekese

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