As the name suggests, Sandbox Beach Club is a beach resort which doubles as a club located along the beaches of La, Accra. It is not simply a beach club but what I like to refer to as an amphibious spot.
Whilst giving beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean in Accra to its patrons and serving brunch and serenity during the day, at night the club transforms into a hotspot for Accra nightlife where a night births thousands of memorable stories.

Whilst providing a vibrant nightlife, it also caters to the needs of the daytime tourist or person who enjoys having a good brunch. The Sandbox Beach Club is open from 11 am in the morning till 11 pm late in the night.
The premises offers open seating as well as indoor dining. Thus, as a result, patrons who prefer open seating are treated to luxury as they enjoy sumptuous meals and service as well as the cool breeze from the Atlantic Ocean.

The quality wooden furniture and plush cushioning, accompanied by light-colored drapery fluttering in the wind, give an air of serenity and an experience of paradise to patrons. Patrons can also enjoy a beautiful and peaceful walk along the well-maintained beach.
The beach club’s architectural terracotta looks and feel is unmatched as it is reminiscent of the architecture adopted for beach houses in famous beach resort vacation spots all over the world.
An iconic scene at the premises is the beautiful pool behind which blocks of alphabets spell out the club’s name. It has become a memorable spot for patrons of the club to pose for photos.
At night, the air of the club changes to match its reputation as one of the leading providers of quality nightlife entertainment in Accra with the amazing lighting and ambience provided on the premises.
The bar also serves a list of amazing drinks, both alcoholic (such as wine and beer) and non-alcoholic whilst the restaurant caters to all kinds of palettes via the provision of international and Mediterranean cuisines.
There are numerous services offered by the Sandbox Beach Club including taking reservations for individuals or groups of persons as well as table service, delivery, takeout, private dining.
Sandbox Beach Club however does not have a standard rate which it charges as an entry or gate fee. The amount that patrons may be asked to pay in order to be granted access to the premises of Sandbox Beach Club is dependent on whether or not an event is being organised at the premises.
Where there are no ongoing events, say a patron is going for brunch there is no entrance fee. However, where for instance there is a nightlife event being hosted at the premises, patrons will be expected to pay the fees that have been set for that particular event.
Some of the events which have been hosted at the Sandbox Beach Club include the Easter Family Fun day, Mothers’ Day Brunch, and the Carpe Diem Christmas at the Sandbox.
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