Jürgen Frohriep was a German actor who was born on April 28, 1928. He was born in the port city of Rostock and at age 11, he was involved in national air-defence as a “Flak helper” during the World War II.
He did not receive any formal training in acting but the Friendship Theatre recruited him in 1951 in Berlin.
Jürgen Frohriep’s debut with Friendship Theatre was quite successful and that sparked the genesis of a number of stage appearances at various theatres, including those at Stralsund, Erfurt and Altenburg.
When the World War II ended, Jürgen Frohriep was used as the lead role in his anti-war films. He became a permanent member of the DEFA, the state-owned film studio and quite frequently, he got featured in movies and played the role of a soldier.
Jürgen Frohriep played the role of Lt. Fritz, an officer in the illicit Black Reichswehr in Wolf Among Wolves (1965). He won a “silver laurel crown” (Silber Lorbeer) for his performance in Wolf Among Wolves (1965) and in 1966, he also featured in “No victory without a fight” (“Ohne Kampf kein Sieg”), portraying the Mercedes-Benz racing driver Manfred von Brauchitsch.
“No victory without a fight” (“Ohne Kampf kein Sieg”) was a biographical film. For the latter part of the 1960s, Jürgen Frohriep wasn’t getting enough roles but in 1973, he got the opportunity to play a role in The Legend of Paul and Paula.
Jürgen Frohriep decided to focus on Television and in 1972, he featured in the police drama series Polizeiruf 110 and he played the role of Police-Oberleutnant Jürgen Hübner.
As of 1991, he had appeared in 64 episodes of Polizeiruf 110. Alongside Television, he was involved in a lot of dubbing work, voicing parts in English language films for German audiences.
Jürgen Frohriep was reported to be suffering from depression. Even though Jürgen Frohriep’s wife had suspended her acting career to concentrate on family , she later started studying Psychology.
Afterwards, she relocated to Switzerland to open a Psychotherapy practice in Walenstadt as Kati Székely-Frohriep. The marriage between Jürgen Frohriep and his wife went bad.
Jürgen Frohriep Cause of Death
He died on July 21, 1993, when he was 65 years old.
The cause of death of Jürgen Frohriep isn’t certain but just before his death, he was reported to be having issues with depression as well as alcohol.
His marriage with his wife had also broken down.
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