Dorothy Mitchum Cause of Death

On April 12, at the age of 94, Dorothy Clements Spence Mitchum, a writer and the widow of renowned actor Robert Mitchum, passed away at Serenity House Hospice in Santa Barbara, California. Her life was distinguished by an enthralling love story, Hollywood glitz and glamour, and a strong devotion to philanthropy.

Early Life and Marriage

When Dorothy was just 14 years old, she first met Robert Mitchum in Camden, Delaware. As a cruel twist of fate, Robert had already courted John, the younger brother of Dorothy. When Robert went back to Delaware and ran across the gorgeous dark-haired woman his brother was seeing, fate stepped in.

On March 16, 1940, they sealed their love with marriage vows in Dover, Delaware. Their union set the stage for a remarkable journey together, one that would take them from the small town of Delaware to the glimmering lights of Hollywood.

Dorothy had initially aspired to become a secretary and attended Peirce College in Philadelphia. However, her life took a different turn when she decided to accompany her husband to Hollywood, where Robert Mitchum would go on to achieve fame as a movie actor. Along the way, they both worked for astrologer Carroll Righter. Dorothy became involved in writing horoscopes and developed a lifelong passion for astrology.

As Robert’s acting career took off, Dorothy embraced her role as a glamorous Hollywood wife while also raising their two sons. She played an active part in her community and became a founding member of S.H.A.R.E. (Share Happily And Reap Endlessly), a charitable organization dedicated to benefiting mentally challenged individuals. Her involvement in S.H.A.R.E. showcased her talents as a dancer and organizer.

A Surprise Addition and Relocation

In 1952, Dorothy and Robert were surprised with the arrival of a third child, a daughter. The family’s journey led them to the Eastern shore of Maryland, where they resided from 1960 to 1966. Eventually, they returned to Los Angeles and, in 1977, made Montecito in Santa Barbara their home. Tragically, Robert Mitchum passed away in 1997, leaving behind a legacy of memorable films and a loving family.

What was Dorothy Mitchum’s Cause of Death??

Dorothy Mitchum died on April 12, 2014, in Santa Barbara, California, USA. However, her death was a natural cause.

A Life of Fond Memories

Dorothy was known for her engaging storytelling, and she often shared anecdotes from her life with Robert. One notable tale recounted the evening they stumbled upon an unknown singer in a small club in Biloxi, Mississippi. Impressed by the young man’s talents, they recommended him to their acquaintance, Colonel Tom Parker. That young singer would go on to become the legendary Elvis Presley, who would later become a family friend.







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