BNI Ghana Staff Salary & More

Ghana’s internal intelligence agency is the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI). The BNI is a key component of Ghana’s National Security Council, which is in charge of counterintelligence and internal security.

Dealing with organized crime and financial crime, espionage, sabotage, terrorism, hijacking, piracy, drug trafficking, and providing intelligence to counter threats to Ghana’s national security are among the responsibilities of the Bureau of National Investigations. It also performs such other functions as may be directed by the President or the Council.

In this article, I will take you through the monthly salary of the staff at the Bureau of National Investigation. But before I get to that let me take you through a brief about the history of the Bureau of National Investigation and its composition. 

History And Composition Of The BNI

Ghana enlisted India’s assistance in establishing two intelligence services during its decolonization: the Foreign Service Research Bureau (external intelligence) and the Special Branch (internal intelligence) (domestic intelligence).

The BNI is a formal creation of the Security and Intelligence Agencies Act (Act 526) 1996, which was extended by Section 10 of the Act.  The BNI maintains secret offices in each of Ghana’s sixteen regions. The National Intelligence Bureau was formally renamed in November 2020.

The Bureau of National Investigations, formerly known as the “Special Branch,” is counterintelligence and internal security agency made up of civilians whose mission is to keep tight tabs on opponents of the Republic of Ghana and the Ghanaian government.

On the grounds of national security, the BNI has the authority to question and imprison anyone suspected of subversion without charge or trial forever.

Other security services are subject to the BNI’s statutory powers. As stipulated in Ghana’s constitution, the agency investigates all types of offences.

BNI Ghana Staff Salary

According to sources, the starting salary of a BNI officer is GHS 67,798 per year, while the highest level of seniority in the institution earns around GHS 145,010 per year.

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