Alessandro Sallusti First Wife. Meet Patrizia Gropper

Italian journalist and pundit Alessandro Sallusti was born in Como, Italy, on February 2, 1957. Because of the breadth of his journalistic career in print and digital media, he is well-known in the Italian media scene.

Early Life

Sallusti, who was born into a family with a convoluted past, is the nephew of Regio Esercito Lieutenant Colonel Biagio Sallusti. Biagio Sallusti had a horrible end when he was put to death by partisans when he sided with the Repubblica Sociale Italiana following the ceasefire. This familial heritage probably shaped Alessandro’s trajectory, establishing a link between his past and the tumultuous historical events of Italy.


Sallusti, a trained chemist, started working in media as a professional in 1981. In his early career, he worked with the illustrious Indro Montanelli to contribute to prominent Italian newspapers like Il Giornale. His career as a journalist grew over time as he worked for Il Messaggero, Avvenire, and the esteemed Corriere della Sera. Sallusti’s wide range of experiences helped him develop his abilities and establish himself as an accomplished journalist.

Initially serving as the assistant editor of Il Gazzettino di Venezia, Sallusti’s career in media leadership began when he was appointed director of La Provincia di Como. His expanding impact in the media landscape was seen in his move from journalism to editorial management.

He became co-director of Libero in 2007 and served as its main editor from January 2007 until July 15, 2008. But when he accepted the position of director and publisher of L’Ordine di Como, a significant diocesan daily, his career path changed.

In addition to his print and digital endeavors, Sallusti became a familiar face on Italian television. His regular appearances on political platforms across Rai, Mediaset, and LA7 established him as a seasoned commentator, bringing his insights to a broader audience.

In 2011, Sallusti’s contributions to journalism were recognized with the controversial Penisola Sorrentina “Arturo Esposito” award. The recognition stirred debates, underlining the impact of his work and perspectives on Italian media.

Together with former magistrate Luca Palamara, Sallusti co-authored the book “Il sistema” in 2021, demonstrating his skills outside of journalism. Significant debate was sparked by the book, which explored scandals in the court. Once again working with Palamara, “Lobby & Logge” was published in 2022, carrying on the investigation of scandals inside the court system. This literary endeavor was expanded even further.

Who is Alessandro Sallusti First Wife?

Alessandro Salluti dated Daniela Santanche from 2007 to 2016. However, Alessandro got married to Patrizia Gropper, his first wife on May 31, 2023, in a civil ceremony in Milan.






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